Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Moon January 27 2010 Ring Do You Want America To Go Back To The Moon?

Do you want America to go back to the Moon? - moon january 27 2010 ring

As if no one noticed, Obama has spent all the money for discretionary spending,
Since none of the nuclear submarines or new carriers, no new power plants or oil fields .... NASA is now almost dead in the water ... I just read that!

By Robert Block and Mark K. Matthews
Orlando Sentinel
12:17 EST, 27 January 2010
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NASA plans to return astronauts to the moon is dead. As the missiles are designed to meet them there - so if President Barack Obama goes his way.

If the White House has issued its draft budget on Monday, there will be no money for the Constellation program is designed to humans to the moon in 2020 is back.

We all remember the national pride that we felt like our astronauts landed on the moon.
Do we want to really see what more? Feel the Pride of America as the greatest country of them all?
Is this the real reason Obama wants to put an end to future space exploration? (which is another good way to spend our money ... lots of it!)
Want the U.S. tor let us pass on to other countries?
Or if you eat really save money in the budget?

Please share your thoughts with incisive observations from anywhere (including the South Florida) at any time at any time at any time, if desired. And to be able to answer. Please, no smell ... ... in the area, does not rotate. And remember, the spin stops here, because we aredefinitelyy Looking Out For You.


Beer Drinker, Hell Raiser said...

No allow our government to spend more than they should be.

Chinagir... said...

I think it is a combination of both.
Doen't Obama wants America to look good with anyone in the world. Appologizing too busy for us succeed in anything American.
The billions of these efforts is the use of wasting taxpayers' money to Acorn, pork, graft unions and import VooDoo mofos!

smelly taco said...

First, do not believe we went to the moon. Lights are extinguished and in movies, there are stars in the background, etc., etc. Whatever the case, is our leader of this country to lose too much money on unnecessary things, it's just another stupid thing. We lost the space race of the worries that come next?

justessi... said...

Is there a recession and high unemployment on the moon? If we turn, it may be advantageous to the United States. Or perhaps Obama thinks that it is a beautiful retreat, if he loses the next election could be. Want to go to the Moon, Alice? The honeymoon is over.

pjkondor... said...

No, we have it. Several times.

But I seriously the red planet, Ray Bradbury want to explore eloquent and brilliant writing about ... March! We can achieve the same feeling of pride and achievement that we Clock ten.

smsmith5... said...

Every nation needs a goal to explore a new frontier. Obama is wrong that make the distance. Or any other not. This money will eventually make payments to political cronies and good agreements.

Sheesh said...

Back to the moon, and so has the lowest priority at the moment because of problems need urgent correction here on Earth. (unless the goal is to build a prison for corrupt politicians and their enablers)

Sarah Palin 2012 said...

And why should we take billions of dollars on the moon?

I think we need to find ways to find people to work.

Rada S said...

... Frankly, if Obama is in your program, we hope the private sector will be my escape "Fly Me to the Moon with Scottie ".... Beam me up Scottie, there is certainly no intelligent life down here!

Sarah Palin said...

Probably not ...........

It seems that to achieve something of value.

NASA funds should be directed to the survival of mankind, when the end of the world.

Sarah Palin said...

Probably not ...........

It seems that to achieve something of value.

NASA funds should be directed to the survival of mankind, when the end of the world.

Baron said...

Bill, the red neck south Florida, Don t give a rat about the room, on the return of the South and the death of the liver of all television alcohol binge Jerry Springer worried look bad .. .. Risk relating to Obama .... DN

Delgarit... said...

Yes, I know. It is a shame, it is not likely to happen, it would be an investment in our future.

O'Ryan said...

After the discovery that NASA has tampered with data on weather and climate, it is not unfair to say that they do not do it, around the moon.

Ed said...

Only if people like to do, that Bush and Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and let all the back and forth with moon rocks in the bunker.

OMG! Sniper Fire!! said...

Yes, and take Obama and his teleprompter bit with them

James L said...

Administrative budget for NASA is ridiculous compared to the recovery plan useless.

NEO CON said...

I'm not going to go away from here, so I prefer to go to Florida. ~!

Pelosi's Water Boy said...

Obama really afraid he would be sent to the moon in the way of a ticket

Uncle Pennybags said...

To achieve this, we must return to the moon? What is the benefit?

You see, I like the Apollo missions, and good memories of her when I was a child. But after all is said and done, we spent all that money and effort, and we need to show? A few hundred pounds of rocks and a few shots of people walking and karting on the moon.

If someone can tell me that's a good question for the United States goes back to the moon, then I will support him. Otherwise I bother to say why. Been there. Made.

Uncle Pennybags said...

To achieve this, we must return to the moon? What is the benefit?

You see, I like the Apollo missions, and good memories of her when I was a child. But after all is said and done, we spent all that money and effort, and we need to show? A few hundred pounds of rocks and a few shots of people walking and karting on the moon.

If someone can tell me that's a good question for the United States goes back to the moon, then I will support him. Otherwise I bother to say why. Been there. Made.

GOingRus... said...

NASA plans to return astronauts died on the moon

OBAMA will plan, the middle class! Cabildo ST ................

NASA goes metric tons DUM CRAP

I worked with them .......

50 people are needed to process a paper
and you always choose the cheapest ...... Contractor, which leads like crap ........

Hell couldnt even this right to a mirror telescope

Piles of disused burecrats NASA must be dismissed

and GM

not an objective of the moon ...

Spending endless crap like F22

and none of them gets a good stop

They have tons of waste programs

NONAME said...

Send Whitey on the moon, without air

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